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Graham Birkenhead, April 26 2022

The 5 questions you should ask yourself when recruiting

All of these 5 areas of discovery are in someway interdependent - they are all aspects of the same person, and that person needs to be considered in the context of you, your company, and the opportunity you are offering. See Why would anyone ever work for you? Make sure you consider them all; the potential new employee will appreciate your level of interest and thoroughness; and you will stand a better chance of realising the benefits of the right employee working for the right employer.

If you would like a set of more detailed notes about these 5 elements as well as some general considerations when you are recruiting and interviewing, please let me know and I will send to you. I'd also be interested to know what specific challenges you are having in recruiting, or if you have any pearls of wisdom.


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Graham Birkenhead

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