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Graham Birkenhead, August 9 2022

Strategy is a Verb

We often have a strategy for this and a strategy for that - and we have strategic plans etc. Having quantized approaches to achieving goals can work well, especially when you know where you are and you well understand the nature of the system around you.  However, when we are running businesses, with bigger, fuzzier and further out goals and much more variable operating environments, we may need to use strategy in a different way.

Strategy is all about achieving goals with available resources and within constraints.   Of course your strategy could include adjusting those resources and constraints to make it easier or more likely to achieve your goal. This goes back to the original (ancient Greek) definition of strategy when it was very much a 'military art', a practical skill and the practice of leaders; and to me it is still be best way to consider strategy.

To have effective strategy you need to have a clear goal - otherwise what are you working towards.   The thing about goals is that they exist in the future - or rather they exist in the imagination.  They are not currently real, they are part of the future that you are trying to create. And an issue with the future is that all sorts of things suddenly appear that have the potential to push your off course.   And sometimes, your goal can become obsolete, or at least in need of reconsideration.

So, see strategy is something you are always doing - it is a constant background activity.  Keeping your mind's eye on the goal - constantly asking yourself 'are we getting there?' and constantly reaffirming - in the light of new knowledge about the world - that it is still the correct goal.  There are times when you should change course.  And, when your goal becomes a little fuzzy or when forces come along that may push you off course, then it's time to bring your strategic thinking more into the front of your mind - get reconnected with the goal and make sure you are still on course.

By all means, make use of strategic planning tools - they are there to help you sift through the data of the past, understand the present, and to take educated guesses about the future based on models that seem to work.  But you will be far more successful as a strategist if you incorporate the insights that your planning gives you to the solid foundation of your ongoing strategic thinking.

We are all naturally strategic thinkers - it's how we all get through our day or year.  Some make more use of that natural ability than others; do you?

Bye for now 


Written by

Graham Birkenhead

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